Wickford Conservatives are aware of some development going on in Wickford.
Cllr Malcolm Buckley, Opposition Spokesman for Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces and Member for Wickford Castledon
The site on Nevendon Road, opposite the Dogs' Trust, was cleared last weekend (8th/9th August) and I have raised the subject immediately with senior officers and members at Basildon Council.
I received an email which said, "The Land owner states he has cleared the land of a large amount of fly-tipped material and intends to erect a 1.8 metre fence safely set back from the highway to secure his land from future tipping. This he is entitled to do under the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended). He has assured officers that there is no intension of any unauthorised development taking place."
I have suggested the use of legal measures to prevent further development. As most people are probably aware, the majority of illegal development takes place over bank holiday weekends. I am therefore very concerned about this site, and another in Newlands Road, Wickford, where my colleague Cllr George Jeffery (Con, Wickford Park) is trying to protect another site which has already had hard-standing laid.
As an opposition, Conservative councillors do not have direct access to senior officers outside office hours. I have, therefore, emailed the Chief Executive, asking for contact number for an officer with authority to act if illegal development takes place outside office hours. The email is reproduced below:
Dear Scott,
Please see attached photo taken Sunday AM. Note the size of the machine setting foundations. If anyone is naive enough to believe this fence is simply to secure this site, I am incredulous!
As I have been unable to get any positive responses from the Council over the weekend, and last week only 'we cant do anything', can you supply as a matter of urgency a number where I can contact an officer with authority to stop an illegal development as soon as the hardcore lorry arrives?
With an impending bank holiday, I am sure you know what is likely to happen and you will know the cost in cash and officer time of rectifying an unlawful development.
I do hope that there is not a tacit understanding between the officer corps and the Administration to ignore these developments rather than allocate pitches in the local plan in due course. Your assurances will be appreciated.
I look forward to a robust response.
Having served as Council Leader for much of the ‘Dale Farm’ proceedings, I am well aware that responses to unauthorised development need to be prompt and have legal backing. In this case, a week has been lost already.